Birth Information

  • Time: Mon Mar 28 1814 07:00:00 GMT+0009
  • Location: 88600 Bruyères, France
  • Birth Tithi:8-ashtami krishna
  • Keywords:
    • Long life more than 80 yrs
    • Director
    • Biographer
    • Critic
    • Fiction
    • Humor
    • Textbook/ Non-fiction

Public Information

French writer and director of the Comedie Francaise 1849-1859. Houssaye achieved distinction in every field of literature including history, biography, criticism and fiction.Gauquelin Vol 6/422, same from Choisnard as B.C.

Chart Analysis

  • Lagna for this natal chart is Aries. The lagna lord Mars has a shadbala ratio of 0.998 and is placed in house 2.
  • Moon is in nakshatra of Ardra (Betelgeuse) in pada 1. Moon has a shadbala ratio of 0.963 and is placed in house 3
  • The strongest planet in this chart is Jupiter with a shadbala ratio of 1.6 and is placed in house 5.
  • The weakest planet in this chart is Mercury with a shadbala ratio of 0.907 and is placed in house 12.

Chart Yogas

  • Shash Yoga
  • Harsha Vipreet Raj Yog
  • Damini Yoga
North Indian style D1 chart for Houssaye, Arsene. Also known as Kundali chart.
Ascendant125° 33' 35''Bharani (41 Arietis)4
Moon39° 55' 47''Ardra (Betelgeuse)1
Ketu106° 41' 24''U.Shadha (ζ,σ Sagittarii)4
Saturn108° 0' 35''U.Shadha (ζ,σ Sagittarii)4
Rahu46° 41' 24''Pushya (γ,δ,θ Cancri)2
Mars26° 44' 24''Krittika (Pleiades)4
Jupiter510° 14' 24''Magha (Regulus)4
Venus1122° 34' 47''P.Bhadra (α,β Pegasi)1
Sun1215° 43' 48''U.Bhadra (γ Pegasi, α Andromedae)4
Mercury1224° 45' 0''Revati (ζ Piscium)3
North Indian style D2 chart for Houssaye, Arsene. Also known as Hora chart.
North Indian style D3 chart for Houssaye, Arsene. Also known as Drekkana chart.
North Indian style D7 chart for Houssaye, Arsene. Also known as Saptamsa chart.
North Indian style D9 chart for Houssaye, Arsene. Also known as Navamsa chart.
North Indian style D12 chart for Houssaye, Arsene. Also known as Dvadasamsa chart.
North Indian style D30 chart for Houssaye, Arsene. Also known as Trimsamsa chart.
Shadbala Score
Shadbala score chart for Houssaye, Arsene.
Ashtakvarga Table
Ashtakvarga table for Houssaye, Arsene.

Shadow Planets

North Indian style S1 chart for Houssaye, Arsene. Also known as Shadows chart.
MrMrityu1Aries27° 8' 24''
ArArdhaprahara2Taurus27° 6' 35''
YaYamaghantaka3Gemini18° 56' 24''
PvParivesha3Gemini0° 56' 12''
KoKodanda4Cancer7° 27' 35''
GuGulika4Cancer24° 48' 35''
DhDhoom4Cancer29° 3' 47''
KaKala5Leo29° 8' 59''
MaMandi5Leo10° 6' 35''
VyVyatipata9Sagittarius0° 56' 12''
InIndrachapa10Capricorn29° 3' 47''
UpUpaketu11Aquarius15° 43' 48''
PdParidhi12Pisces12° 22' 48''

Vimshottari Dasha Periods

MahadashaStart DateEnd Date