Birth Information

  • Time: Sun Apr 07 1974 07:31:00 GMT-0500
  • Location: Chicago, IL, USA
  • Birth Tithi:2-dvitiya krishna
  • Keywords:
    • Entrepreneur
    • Other Computer
    • Public speaker

Public Information

American entrepreneur, the co-founder of 37signals, makers of Basecamp and other web-based collaboration tools, and co-author of the book, Rework.Sy Scholfield quotes time of birth from him on "I used to wake up at 7:31 every morning, which is actually when I was born" [1]. Date of birth from his blog: "Today is my 35th birthday" (dated 7 April 2009) [2]. Place of birth from an article in Chicago magazine, July 2008: "Raised in Deerfield; lives in Wicker Park" [3].

Chart Analysis

  • Lagna for this natal chart is Aries. The lagna lord Mars has a shadbala ratio of 1.07 and is placed in house 2.
  • Moon is in nakshatra of Chitra (Spica) in pada 3. Moon has a shadbala ratio of 0.791 and is placed in house 7
  • The strongest planet in this chart is Sun with a shadbala ratio of 1.3 and is placed in house 12.
  • The weakest planet in this chart is Moon with a shadbala ratio of 0.791 and is placed in house 7.

Chart Yogas

  • Harsha Vipreet Raj Yog
  • Paasa Yoga
North Indian style D1 chart for Fried, Jason. Also known as Kundali chart.
Ascendant118° 55' 12''Bharani (41 Arietis)2
Moon72° 1' 47''Chitra (Spica)3
Ketu229° 19' 47''Mrigashir (λ,φ Orionis)2
Saturn35° 37' 47''Mrigashir (λ,φ Orionis)4
Rahu829° 19' 47''Jyeshtha (α,σ,τ Scorpionis)4
Mars228° 54' 36''Mrigashir (λ,φ Orionis)2
Jupiter1113° 13' 48''Shatabhi (γ Aquarii)2
Venus117° 25' 11''Shatabhi (γ Aquarii)1
Sun1223° 48' 35''Revati (ζ Piscium)3
Mercury120° 8' 24''P.Bhadra (α,β Pegasi)4
North Indian style D2 chart for Fried, Jason. Also known as Hora chart.
North Indian style D3 chart for Fried, Jason. Also known as Drekkana chart.
North Indian style D7 chart for Fried, Jason. Also known as Saptamsa chart.
North Indian style D9 chart for Fried, Jason. Also known as Navamsa chart.
North Indian style D12 chart for Fried, Jason. Also known as Dvadasamsa chart.
North Indian style D30 chart for Fried, Jason. Also known as Trimsamsa chart.
Shadbala Score
Shadbala score chart for Fried, Jason.
Ashtakvarga Table
Ashtakvarga table for Fried, Jason.

Shadow Planets

North Indian style S1 chart for Fried, Jason. Also known as Shadows chart.
PdParidhi1Aries29° 22' 47''
MrMrityu2Taurus27° 10' 12''
PvParivesha2Taurus22° 51' 24''
ArArdhaprahara3Gemini19° 14' 23''
YaYamaghantaka4Cancer8° 51' 35''
KoKodanda4Cancer27° 44' 23''
GuGulika5Leo16° 37' 12''
DhDhoom5Leo7° 8' 35''
MaMandi6Virgo4° 40' 47''
VyVyatipata8Scorpio22° 51' 24''
InIndrachapa11Aquarius7° 8' 35''
UpUpaketu11Aquarius23° 48' 35''
KaKala12Pisces21° 28' 11''

Vimshottari Dasha Periods

MahadashaStart DateEnd Date